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Interdisciplinary Symposium | 5-6-7 July 2017
Tracks  |

Track "Emerging Infectious Diseases"

Emerging Infectious Diseases


A.Falchi (Bioscope, UCPP,EA7310, France);

X. N. de Lamballerie (AMU, IRD, INSERM U1207, France)


Objectives: Infectious diseases have always been a threat to the human population across history, but the enormous progress in medical and health sciences observed in the last 100-150 years fostered optimistic hopes that pathogens could be controlled if not eradicated through prophylactic and curative treatments. Surveillance, detection and pathogen isolation, and the identification and development of drugs and vaccines are decisive for mounting our response to infectious diseases outbreaks. On the other hand, our modern society appear to be, under many aspects, more at risk to epidemics with respect to the societies of the past. The spread and increased lability of various infectious diseases, new and old, reflects the impacts of demographic, environmental, technological and other rapid changes in human ecology. Thus improving knowledge, timely detection of the start and the end of infectious outbreaks is crucial for a number of reasons such as improving communication towards persons eligible for vaccination, better planning of the organization of the health care system and estimating the vaccine effectiveness.

The Tract Emerging Infectious Diseases will be an opportunity for discussing the recent advances in the study of spreading of infectious diseases. Participants will be invited to interact with and learn from each other and our invited speakers.  This meeting targets a broad audience (biologists, epidemiologists, bio-informaticians, virologists, statisticians, SHS...) from young and senior basic researchers to health workers working for the infectious disease surveillance.

The scientific program will cover the following topics:

  • Surveillance and Preventing mosquito-born diseases
  • Use of bioinformatics and big data in public health
  • Influenza outbreaks
  • Zoonotic infectious disease
  • Vaccine-preventable disease


Key-words: Arbovirus, Hepatitis, Influenza, seroprevalence, vaccine


Scientific Responsibles:

A.Falchi, X.de Lamballerie


Scientific Committee:

R. Charrel Amu, Marseille, France

T. Blanchon IPLESP, Paris, France

C. Arena, ORS Corse, France

P. Malfait, Cire, PACA Sud, France


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